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About Us

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Our mission is to help students meet graduation standards and become productive citizens.   To accomplish these goals we feel the need to have:

  1. A safe learning environment. Safety is our number one priority.   We believe that learning cannot occur in an environment where students do not feel physically and emotionally safe.   Every effort will be made to ensure the safety of our students.
  2. Responsible Citizenship. We believe that students have a right to public education however they do not have a right to:
    1. Interfere in the learning process of other students.  Every effort will be made to ensure that all students are provided with a positive environment conducive to learning.
    2. Engage in behavior that is not in the best interest of all.
  3. A Curriculum that meets and exceeds all State and National standards.   Student achievement will be carefully monitored to assist the students in meeting the qualifications to graduate from High School.

Valley View Alternative High School

Valley View opened its doors August 19th, 2004 with an initial enrollment of approximately 16 students.   The original location of the school was in the Food and Transportation office located across the alley from the present site.   Valley View was created to keep students in the school district offering them an alternative High School to better meet the needs of the patrons of this school district.

Valley View is an alternative high school designed to meet the needs of students who have struggled to find success in the traditional high school setting or want to catch up on their education due to extenuating circumstances.   Some students have the option to return to the traditional high school setting once they get caught up in their course work (pending approval), others may choose to stay.

The school year at Valley View is divided into 3 trimesters, 5 blocks per trimester for a total of 15 blocks.   Each block is 11-13 days in length. Students work on one subject per block.   Students also have the opportunity to earn two credits a block if they wish to double up on their studies.   The curriculum is based on the state requirements set forth by the Idaho State Board of Education.   The primary focus is on academic requirements for graduation.   Valley View is accredited by both the Idaho State Board of Education and the Idaho NWAC/ Advanced ED accredited schools organization.